Edit Asset
On this page you can edit the following information for an existing asset, if you have proper permissions:
Client: The company that uses or manages the asset.
Site name: The name of the site where the asset is located.
Department: The department that manages the asset.
Floor level: The floor where the asset is located.
Asset tag: The unique identifier for the asset.
Asset type: The type of asset.
Category: The asset category.
Subcategory: A further asset classification nested beneath the asset category.
Status: Indicates the current status of the asset, such as in service, inactive, sold, and so on.
In service date: The date the asset began being in service.
Operational status: A toggle to set to working or not working.
Fixture number: The identifier for the asset's use as a fixture.
Model: The model of the asset.
Space: The space in which the asset is location.
Location detail: A text field to give more details about asset location.
Serial #
Supplier: The company that is the supplier for the asset.
Asset condition: Indicates the condition of the asset (good, bad, and so on).
Comment: A text field to give more details about the asset.
Parent: The parent asset to the current asset.
The following options are available at the bottom of the page:
Save: Saves changes to the asset and navigates away from the page.
Save and add another asset: Saves changes and lets you create another asset.
Save and add duplicate: Saves changes and lets you create another asset with.
Cancel: Navigates away from the page without saving changes.